Just wanted you to know that there are couple of profiles in the internet which try to impersonate me.
First one is Dreaml4nd in Mixloud (www.mixcloud.com/Dreaml4nd). This is not me and I have nothing to do with this profile, even that the owner put the cover of Dreaml4nd – Dreamland album as a profile picture I do have a Mixcloud profile but it is not with the name Dreaml4nd. I am known in Mixcloud as Golan – Aegonox – Peter Pan and my Mixcloud profile is here: www.mixcloud.com/aegonox-peter-pan
Then there is Dreaml4nd Records profile in Bandcamp (dreaml4ndrecords.bandcamp.com). This is not my or my labels (Dreaml4nd Records) profile. It is set up by the official distributor (Arabesque) of Dreaml4nd – Dreamland release. If you send messages to this profile, I will not receive them so I recommend to follow my official Dreaml4nd / Dreaml4nd Records Bandcamp page, which is here: dreaml4nd.bandcamp.com